
Showing posts with the label school life vs college life

10 Difference between School Life and College Life

  Difference between school life and college life School life vs College life are look alike but differ in each aspect. In school we did mistakes unknowingly and In college life we do mistakes knowingly.  Here are some facts that every student goes through these phases. Here are the common Difference between School life and college life Uniform: School Life  – We wear a neat & clean uniform to school every day. College Life  – Wakes up, wears whatever we get & off to college. Attendance: School Life  – Always having a decent attendance & provide medical certificate even with a high fever. College Life  – Whatever the criteria they always having shortage of attendance. Academic Score: School Life  – Having good academic records & teacher’s favourite student. College Life  – Passing marks is enough, No need of good marks. Bags: School Life  – 100 Kg of books, books & books. College Life  – One Notebook, One bag & wi...